
Nicole Bottomley
Holliston High School

Nicole Bottomley grew up in Newton and attended Brandeis University. After receiving her degree in psychology, she completed her masters in Mental Health Counseling at University of Massachusetts, Boston. Nicole began teaching in 2000 at Framingham High school where she remained for 10 years. She taught Modern World History, U.S. History, Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to Psychology, and Advanced Placement Psychology. During her time at Framingham High School she participated in many extracurricular and mentor programs, including 8 years as Student Government Advisor. In addition to teaching full-time, she worked as a Mental Health Counselor and as an EMT, but she feels that nothing beats the atmosphere and energy of the school building. It is an honor to be Principal of Holliston High School and to know that each day there will be interactions with wonderful faculty and students.